Just about everyone who owns a home wishes for it to be well-organized. Most of the time, however, chances are that is not the case. Most homes have only one or two people who put everything in its place – usually the mom or dad, perhaps.
When it comes to home organization tools, sometimes you need to make it a little fun. If you have smaller children, you are in luck because you can get away with a lot more creativity and make it look like a lot less work, as well.
Creative Tools for Younger Kids
If you have younger kids, chances are you have different types of dough and clay that they play with from time to time. Once those have dried up, do not throw those little plastic containers with the covers away. You will be surprised at how many uses you can find for them.
If you have a little crafter, those containers are excellent for storing beads and other small craft items. When you are done crafting, simply put the lid on and store it away.
In addition, shoeboxes are a great cheap fix for storing children’s items. Let your child decorate the shoeboxes with colored paper, ribbons, and bows and even label what they wish to put inside. Once they are done playing with their building blocks, crayons, paints or colored pencils, have them put their things in their favorite colored shoebox and carry it safely away to store it.
For the Kitchen
If you are looking for an inexpensive way to store items for the kitchen, using glass jars is an excellent and inexpensive way to achieve that goal. If you visit estate sales or garage sales, chances are you come across mason jars. They are excellent for storing food for your pantry.
Also, baby jars are wonderful ways to store spices and fresh herbs, making a pinch of this and a pinch of that a breeze.
For Your Bedroom
A simple coat rack will do the trick perfectly for your jewelry. Many people dislike using jewelry boxes because their jewelry gets tangled, so using a small wall-hung rack gives your necklaces and bracelets a place all of their own.
If you do not have enough storage space in the form of dressers and drawers, make use of baskets, and roll up things like yoga pants, socks, or even bedding and blankets.
With a little creativity and a lot less money, you can organize your home in no time.
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