
Six Tips for Hiring the Best Pest Control Service

pest control

If you have a pest control problem, hiring a pest control service is an option. But not all pest control services are the same. It pays (sometimes quite literally) to do you research.

As you look into hiring a pest control service, here are some things to consider.

1. Experience

While you may pay more for experience, it is not a bad idea to check into how many years a pest control company has been in business. While you’re checking into this, find out what the turnover rate is among the employees. Are there a lot of new employees who are learning everything for the first time, or are the employees experienced as well? It’s normal for a company to have new folks, but there should be a healthy mix of newbies and experienced employees.

2. Your Particular Pest Problem

Ask the pest control company how much experience they have treating a pest problem like yours. A company may have been in business for 35 years, but perhaps have only dealt with a handful of pest issues like yours in that time.

In addition, ask for information on your pest problem. Listen for knowledgeable answers and detailed explanations of the problem.

3. Compare Prices

Keep a running list or chart of various prices as you research pest control services. You may find yourself surprised at how much the prices differ for similar services.

If you’re willing to take a bit of a risk, you may be able to save a bundle by hiring a pest control company that is new and trying to get established.

4. Guarantees

Does the pest control service you’re looking at offer a guarantee? If so, to what extent does the guarantee go? Because pest control treatments often need to be repeated, you’ll want to find out if there is some kind of guarantee to offset expenses in the event of a repeat visit.

5. Options

Having a variety of options is important to some homeowners. If this matters to you, make sure to ask the service what options are available for your pest problem. Do they offer natural methods in addition to conventional? What about environmental risks and low-toxicity options? Are there options for how much of the service you want to buy? You may only want to purchase the insecticide and rent equipment from them, for instance, and apply it yourself.

6. Licenses

Find out what the licensing requirements are in your state. Then make sure the service you’re talking to complies with the local laws in this regard.

Photo by Wonderlane

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