Communicating with your baby is something that naturally happens when you become a parent. Every look, sound and touch between you and your little one is a form of communication and helps your relationship to get off to a good start. Although it is almost an instinct, there are always things we can learn that will help us in communicating with our babies.
Here are a few ideas for you to incorporate into your parenting, if you haven’t already.
Talk to Your Baby
There are some who believe that it is pointless to talk to a newborn since they cannot talk back. While it is true that you are highly unlikely to have a deep conversation about any subject at all, talking to and with your baby provides a great time of bonding between you. When babies hear our voices, they are learning the intricate nature of language. The more sounds a baby is exposed to during infancy, the more easily they will be able to pronounce those sounds later on in life.
This goes for foreign language as well. Babies are born with an ability to learn any language. For every language that your baby is regularly exposed to when they are young, they will retain the ability to make certain sounds and pronunciations. This will make it easier to learn as an adult.
If you are fluent in more than one language, speak both of them to your baby. Babies have the ability to learn more than one language, and even to separate the sounds into the different categories of each language in their minds.
There is no such thing as talking too much to your baby. Have many “conversations” with your little one as you go about your day. Tell them what you are doing, and point at objects and name them. Ask them questions. Every word you speak to your baby will teach them and help them grow.
Speaking is not the only way to communicate. Touch is an important form of communication that our babies learn from. Holding your infant as much as possible is healthy for them in every way, and communicates your love for them. All people need human touch, and babies are especially so. Cuddle your baby and carry him/her around whenever you have the opportunity.
Facial Expressions
Infants are very aware of facial expressions, and through the use of them, we can teach them their meanings. Smile at your baby often, and be dramatic in your expressions. Your baby will love to see the many ways you can contort your face, and will learn to read people’s body language more easily as well.
Eye Contact
Make a point of having lots of eye contact with your baby. As the old quote says, the eyes are the window of the soul. If you look in your baby’s eyes, you can see all the expression they contain. Give your baby the gift of communicating with others through this eye contact.
There are many ways to communicate with your little one. The more communication and contact you have with your baby, the healthier your child will be. Communicating with your baby regularly from a young age will help them to learn and reach their full potential. Find some new ways to communicate with your baby and enjoy this time with your little one.
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